Are You Sacrificing Self-care for Productivity? 5 Warning Signs of Burnout

emotional health nutrition the non-diet method

Many women in their 40’s and 50’s have been conditioned to be caretakers, the people who run the household and raise the family. We have demanding jobs, roles in our communities, ageing parents, and friendships and relationships to attend to. All of this often takes priority over our own needs.

There’s a widely held belief that women are better at multi-tasking than men. A stereotype often looked upon with humour, but for me, it’s a red flag.

As a women’s health coach, what I observe is that these conditions are leading many women to de-prioritise essential self-care practices, like maintaining proper nutrition, moving regularly for enjoyment and allowing themselves adequate rest.

The productivity = self-worth equation is leading to a dangerous cycle of self-neglect, overwork and potential burnout. Sound harsh? See of you recognise any of these mindsets...

Key mindsets that can lead to burnout include:

  • Basing your self-worth on your productivity and/or being the YES person (coupled with an inherent belief that something will go wrong if you say "no" or take time for yourself)
  • Coming from a place of fear and scarcity
  • Not being in alignment with your authentic values
  • Living with a belief that self-care is selfish/indulgent

External factors that can also impact this:

  • Demands of family/friends and relationships
  • A psychologically unsafe or over demanding work environment
  • Whatever other stressors are going on in your life….

Many women coming into my coaching group recognise the value of real self-care, but struggle to make time for it. The truth is, if you're operating on the edge of burnout, attending your basic needs can feel unachievable….

If this resonates with you, here are some things to consider:

  • Your worth is inherent. It isn’t connected to your to-do list, your achievements (certainly not your domestic tasks) or how much you get through in a day. This is a mantra I believe all women need to say back to themselves – on repeat!
  • Try making a conscious effort to step back from the harsh judgments, the unrealistic expectations, the guilting and shaming, and the self-deprecating thinking.
  • Reassess your priorities and make time for genuine self-care – 10 minutes in a day is enough to make you feel better.
  • Practice saying "no" to non-essential commitments.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people who value your well-being.


If you want to dive deeper into topics like this and be coached and encouraged to improve your nutrition, take a look at The Non-Diet Method, starting again in Sept 2024.